Apocalypse Deux

The Plural of Apocalypse </br> Part Deux: Out - Pt. 2

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Out - Pt. 2

Check out our new renter: Sam's Blog! Why? Because he's funny and wierd, and has a theory about Dalmations taking over the world!! Go now!!

All images recieved as a result of typing 'Out' into the Google Image Search bar. Standard Disclaimer: We are only making fun, and if people were smart enough to mark on their photos who took them and where they belong they have been credited. This is for mockery and fun, not profits. Although if you want to make us rich and famous because of this, please feel free...
IV: When Jenna had gone outside to eat her sunflower seeds on this bright sunny day, she had never imagined being mistaken for a smoker...

BEG: Remember when Joe Camel was a bad influence and made kids wanna smoke? I gotta say blow-up cigarettes with constipated faces and a single steroid enhanced arm isn't the way to dissuade future smokers of America. Accosting possible future smokers of America with such propeganda will only backfire.

IV: "Friggin' Randy from the copy-room! Can't he ever hang on to anything?"

BEG: For the 10th year in a row the McNally Office Supply Intermural Soccer Team had lost. Mostly this was because no one told them they couldn't pick up the ball and throw it.

IV: "Damn Cliff! You're wife is hot!"

BEG: Jameson's quest for extraterrestrial life had taken him to the Chippewa Creek Boy Scout Camp. Here he met no aliens, but did get to see a really fat guy.

IV: Everybody was kung fu fighting...except for Jeff...He was counting the number of people who had stinky feet.

BEG: Jeff was mastering a little known form of Ju-Jitsu called Jeff-Napsoon.

IV: Now we take the time to observe its natural habitat...

BEG: "So Grandma, people actually sat on this stuff? Where's the computer? Where's the Playstation? What did these people do for fun!?!?!"

IV: For many people, a spa-day meant rest and relaxation...for Joe, it meant rockin' out and the devil's work!

BEG: For Joe, there was nothing quite like the victoy of beating Syphillus for the 5th time, that is if we don't count rocking out.

IV: When good people go batty...

BEG: "I wanna be an airborne Ranger..."

IV: Al knew better than to argue with what Steve says really happened on the Squash court.

BEG: What happens on the Squash Court, stays on the Squash Court, including Jazz Hands and Spirit Fingers. {BTW: Is anyone just a little disturbed that there is an entire website dedicated to Squach pics?}

IV: Future olympic gymnastics hopeful starting from the very beginning...

BEG: Little Karly did eventually learn how to walk on her feet after years of walking on her hands, but how a child that size had such upper body strength at such a young age would always remain a mystery.

IV: "I told Gregg this parking lot had a mind of its own and that it didn't want his shitbox parked in it!"

BEG: How to park in Wausau: Over shoot parking space, park halfway on rock wall, go to Wal-Mart.

IV: Pedro's villiage was far too poor for skateboards, but someday, there would be a sponsor and a skateboard for everyone...and he would know all the moves!

BEG: While the common skateboard generally has the sense they were born with, rollerbladers do not. Here we observe Pedro attempting to slide down the side of a staircase. Sadly Pedro did not understand that this trick only really works with railings. Pedro did not realize this until the 15th step and falling for the 15th time.

IV: "Funnel cakes are made of people!"

BEG: Do not throw the funnel cake into a clearly marked Wooden Shoe Recepticle. That box is made for clogs not cakes!!!


Blogger Kukka-Maria said...

OMG! Thank you for the laugh today!

11:37 AM  

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