Everything's Shiny!
We fought the urge to fill this post with images from the defunct (but very funky) TV show Firefly and the recently released motion picture Serenity (yes we are pimping this, it's Deux Approved viewing!). Why Shiny? Cos in the future shiny is a word they use to describe anything that's excellent, like this blog, or how pretty the cast of these visual delights are. So we will put the one lone image right here, without commentary, cos when people are this SHINY who needs to mock?:
All pictures found by typing 'Shiny' into the Google Image Search bar. Enter our standard disclaimer barf here. Not profitting, and please don't thieve this idea. We don't have too many brilliant things to do with this blog without this! This is a picture of Kari Wuhrer. She'd be the one in the silver.
It stated very clearly that I had to say that in order to use said picture of her.
I think she's just trying to get her name around more after her career went all to hell and she ended up on 'General Hospital' for a while.
BEG: Kari Wuhrer's attempts at a career reinvention were not going as planned. So when the Sci-Fi Channel called her with an opportunity to be 'street performer number 7' in "Aliens in Amsterdam," she took the job. She figured a few hours in silver face paint would pay for years to come in the form of 'guest' income from all of the numerous Sci-Fi conventions she'd be invited to. Had she read the script she would have known that she was to die in the first 20 seconds of the film by being turned inside out but an alien death beam, and that chick never gets to come to the conventions.
IV: While Carol tried her best to be enchanting for the camera men, her husband was busy drawing chalk pentagrams on the floor beneath their feet.
BEG: Latex, it's a privilege, not a right.
IV: On the rare occasions when Monica and Sara left the house, they did it with only the passion and style they could. Plus, they new no one would ever try to mug a girl with horns.
BEG: Apartment shopping is never fun. Monica and Sara tried to increase the fun by donning their 'Devil Diva' wigs from last Halloween. What they didn't realize was their inability to rent was not due to Monica's bad credit from that last bastard she dated, no, most rental companies have a strict 'No Horns' policy buried deep in their paper work. They would keep hunting until they could find a place to hang their horns, err, wigs, err, hats.
IV: Although the world outside was tempting, Beth and Shana decided they had it so much better and they did it in so much less clothing.
BEG: "Why does Shana always get to wear the cool shoes and I get the wool socks? I swear I had that extra toe removed last year!" Thought Beth in silence, and in boyshorts.
IV: There was always the hope that the girls in the Western Dance group would get their shit together and put on a good show of dance, but secretly the audience still waited for one of them to fall and flash the crowd!
BEG: The girls at the St. Bernadette's senior prom had seen all the teen movies. This year they were hell bent on making their own group dance number come to life. They bought matching dresses, and right after the coronation, they took to the dance floor after 17 requests for Gloria Gaynor's 'I Will Survive'. Move over 'Can't Buy Me Love' this was going to be the best dance number ever! (and survive they did)
IV: The people on this bus are about to learn that no one ever GOES to WENTzville!
BEG: Wentzville was the tiny neutral state somewhere along the Mississippi. It was on no maps, and only once every 12 years did this highway sign appear. Once you WENT to WENTZville, there was no returning from whence you came.IV: Everyone gathered together for what would be the only photo ever taken of the cast of 'Survivor: Scottish Highlands'. Unfortunately for them, the map was bad and they were never seen again. The producers have since replaced all of them with fluffy white sheep...and it seems to be going fairly well!
BEG: When they offered the school children of St. George's Prepatory School a chance for a weekend holiday in Scotland they all jumped up and down screaming with excitement. Had they shut up they would have heard 'dropped in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a knife and the clothes on your back.' By Saturday Fiona Chesterly (in the silver coat) had stabbed all 9 of her classmates for 2 sticks of gum, a piece of Cadbury chocolate and an asthma inhaler. This is the last photo taken of them all still alive.
IV: "Why aren't they working?", Sheila wondered why she couldn't just click her heels three times and get back to Jersey.
BEG: Nothing made Sheila feel better after a long day of inseminating dairy cows, than to come home, put on her dancing shoes, and become her alter-ego 'Dancing Queen'!
IV: Clark had been spening a lot of time in the workshop lately. Little did his people know that he was working the the world's largest, shittiest watch...so he could control time!
BEG: Clark liked to support the local Pittsville BackYard Super-Wrestlers in any way he could. If that meant making championship belts out of sheet metal in his meth lab, then so be it. It was worth the risk of explosion just to see those kids happy.
IV: Scott should have known something was wrong when he turned the machine on the the gravity in the room shifted dramatically, but he thought he'd try to take a closer look anyway.
BEG: When Intel prototypes go terribly wrong.
IV: Kat knew her art was misunderstood, but it never stopped her trying to fulfull her dream of building the world's largest tire stack. Plus, she knew if she succeeded, the children at Jackson Elementary would have a whole new playground to enjoy.
BEG: Kat was worried, the Michelin baby had gone missing only hours before, but how could she find him in a sea of tires? His cries were muffled by their superior sound-proofing, and the holes! Oh there were so many to search, and so little time before shooting the commercial had to come to an end!
IV: The boys worked. Oh yeah, they worked, but what management didn't know was that they also plotted their escape to Chuck E. Cheese, which they saw everday, not so far off in the distance.
BEG: The Springfield Police had done it! Not only did they create a pedophile trap, but they also found a way to raise money for their end of year donut fiesta at the local Krisy Kreme. Yup, this was like biting into a Boston Creme of justice.
**Got a suggestion? Got a word you want us to use?? Leave it in the comments, and if we use it, we'll totally credit you for it.
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