Lousy Google Image Search!
Boredom leads to strange behavior...and Googling for random things. Here's another little treat for ya, another 'Fun With Google'.
All pictures contained in this post were obtained by typing the word 'Lousy' into the Google Image searchbox. We are not crediting anyone for any of the pictures since as per usual, we didn't really pay any attention to where they were coming from. It wasn't the point. If they're yours, great job, but as you can see, not using them for profit...just the sake of mockery! And remember everytime you put a photo on the internet you are only making our mockery easier. And mockery, like parody, should be considered a real form of flattery, cos we really don't want our asses kicked.
IV: The game of hide-n-seek had gotten so out of hand that Katie had plenty of time to redecorate and personalize her hiding space.
BEG: Some people thought Katie's school was run by lunatics, others thought it was progressive. All she knew was, she loved the 'Use a Science-Fair Project to protect yourself from the alien invader's rotating laser trajectory beams' drills they did every Friday.
IV: Na-na na-na na-na na-na Blackman! Or alternately a perfect example of why superheroes should not mate.
BEG: "I'm Superman, I can Fly!!" (Moments later Tyrell's lifeless body was found on the sidewalk outside San Diego's Convention Center, he was only one of a handful of Comic-Con participants who got a bottle of Mountain Dew spiked with some real bad acid.)
IV: "I cannot believe you talked me into coming in here!"
BEG: "I always wondered what it would be like to be inside a condom, and I was right, it sucks! Let's get the fuck out of here!"
IV: Okay, so an English golf pro, an Asian bus driver and a mad scientist...
BEG:Yup, they had heard all the jokes when they got on the bus, but Rupert didn't care, he liked his tripod! They were the best of friends, and people could just deal!
IV: "Sometimes, the bugs are so soothing..." Or alternately, Joey didn't mind haircut day.
BEG: Fear Factor- Diabetes Camp! There is no quicker way to be turned off from sugar than to be covered in it, and then spend an afternoon with cockroaches!
IV: "Oh, you wanted me to hit that! I wasn't sure." Or alternately, Jeff recently learned to throw the ball after months of strenuous therapy and re-adjustment to the world outside of the mental facility.
BEG: Jeff wasn't gonna fall for that trick! Last time he accidentally mistook the Spirit Stick at Cheerleading Camp for a baseball bat, he aged 40 years and turned gay. No, siree, they could throw all the balls at his head that they wanted, he was not going to fall for that one again...
IV: "I swear someone said this was a costume party." Or alternately, "No. No radioactivity here!"
BEG: Everyone always looked forward to Steve 's 'Slaying the Dragon' demonstration at the Kilpatrick family reunion. What they didn't realize was Steve was also chasing the dragon...
BEG: Karen's Lord of the Rings Role Playing Group didn't think she should be Galadriel. First off, she was not wearing the traditional Elvin silver wire headpiece, secondly, Galadriel only wore white, not a Green Bay Packers T-shirt, finally Galadriel had long white blonde hair, not reddish brown lesbo-hair. When Fritz suggested she play Sam Ganges, Karen showed her proficiency for swearing in Elvish. Yup, this was going to be one long, Saturday afternoon in Middle Earth (which doubles as a community room at Nicolet Community Technical College).
IV: "LOST Fantasy Camp seemed a whole lot cooler in the brochure...and I don't think anyone here had any heroin."
BEG: The day Fred melted into the crusty dead earth, the cast of Survivor-Death Valley gathered, and for just one sweltering, blister producing afternoon, there were no tribes. They were just 12 cast-members, 3 producers, 2 camera men and 1 director who desperately wished they had gotten in on one of the tropical island seasons...
IV: This is not what Yosh had in mind when he joined the scouts.
BEG: Yosh hated Military School. He called his father and promised to never ever do anything wrong again if he could just go home. Last week Yosh's only friend Kim had been shot in the head 'accidentally' during this same exercise. Yup, it was a dangerous job, but some kid with a bad attitude and an interest in crime and screwing cute school girls had to do it.
IV: Every time Carl had to take the long walk to the outhouse he wished once again that he had properly filled out that requisition form for the golf cart.
BEG: When Carl got his parks service job he never though 'shit inspector' would be part of his job title.
IV: New planets are discovered every day, in the strangest places no less.
BEG: Worst. Day. Ever

IV: Stu found that a duel in this day and age doesn't really convey the same amount of anger that it used to.
BEG: The Nicolet Community Techincal College's Community room was many things to many people. To some it was Middle Earth, and to others it was a place to put a cage on their face and poke another person with a pointy, yet dull sword.
IV: Sometimes the wardrobe department got a little confused, but she didn't mind as long as the janitorial service remembered to turn up the heat.
BEG: Margot's dream of become the next QVC hostess just didn't work out. Then again, she probably shouldn't have taped her audition between dances at Big Poppa's Gentleman's Club and Buffet.
IV: "So there I was...just me and the big salad...and it was about to go down hard..."
BEG: Japanese Game Shows had gotten completely out of control when the goal became to name the days of the week while being chased by a man with a large salad fork wearing a teapot on his head.
Well these are funny pictures and comments but since blog explosion keeps bringing me here could we have some new ones? Its almost March. Great idea though. I tried it with my wife's first name. She was not amused.
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