A Night in Miss Maddie's Head
This post recalls the events surrounding BEG (me) playing with Little Miss Maddie the adorable neighbor child of IV on New Years Eve. Little Miss Maddie some day will be exactly like IV and me. Seriously this kid is so on the Japanese bullet train to creative adult it's not even funny. Let's just hope she doesn't get in as much trouble as we did.

There was a lot of playing involving the My Little Pony Butterfly Island Adventure Set (not as adventurous as it sounds) and additional ponies. This was very normal. With the ponies drinking some juice and riding the waves and twirling around on a magical wheel.
Midge is naked, her dress is long lost, so the entire time Midge is naked, which might explain why she has all these kids. Midge first gives birth to a baby. The baby is tiny and falls out of her non-realistic magnetic belly. Maddie gives the baby to a My Little Pony to carry around in her scooter. Fair enough.
Then Midge gives birth to a RABID PUPPY that proceeds to attack and eat the pony babysitting. I shit you not. This is the demented workings of a tiny child. Then the pony makes a miraculous recovery, gets on said scooter with RABID puppy and rides off to the Adventure Island to have some juice while the puppy plays in the sand (and the baby is forgotten in the back of the scooter). Midge meanwhile, the whore that she is, gives birth to another much gentler puppy.
The actual baby gets kidnapped at the beach, but some how WHORE MIDGE readily gives birth to it's clone which flys across the room after falling out of Midge's magnetic belly. So apparently Midge is not only a lousy bad mother and dog fucker, but can't keep track of them coming out of her plastic womb.
Meanwhile, at the beach baby pegasus pony shows up on a scooter that is too big while wearing a helmet and I think a snorkle, possibly a cape and a flipper or two, with the other puppy bastard child. The puppy goes to play with it's RABID sibling and eventually is whirled around above the island on a wheel of death, then is forced to ride a surf board to a pool of death.
Midge is now out 4 kids. The woman lost 4 kids in an afternoon!
Then Maddie goes back to plaaying normally, giving the baby (since recovered) a bath and nap and parading Pregnant Naked Midge about.
Mind you this child is about to possibly be a big sister. I only hope she doesn't feed the baby to a rabid dog expecting her mommy to pump another one out in under a day.
And people wonder why I drank all that chamagne.
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