Adorably Evil...

We can't kill you with our brains, yet. We are still working on it. Just like we are still working on making this Blog pretty and full of interesting rants about Stephen Hawking giving Stephen King rides on his motorized scooter, and praying to Joe Pesci (line up for your summer sausage please). Why will we talk about these things? Because no matter what sort of crazy shit we say, we are still more normal than people who feel the need to fulfill their lives and get their 15 minutes of fame on 'Reality' TV shows. Although one of us did debate trying out for the Real World just to make a better name for her hometown after some fucking mormon made us all look like goddamned hill people. Which we are not. But we love Hill People. The existence of Hill People in the greater Milwaukee area has not yet been verified, if you can verify this please comment immediately. BlackEyedGurl lives in Wausau, where it's all about the Hill People so if you have proof that some of them are not Hill People comment about that too. maybe we should just dedicate this blog to Hill People, no, that would just be wierd.
BlackEyedGurl - Saying If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak!!!
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