Apocalypse Deux

The Plural of Apocalypse </br> Part Deux: March 2006

Friday, March 31, 2006


This 'Fun With Google' image search was inspired by that lovable lame boy, Napolean Dynamite and his affinity for the word GOSH!

All images received as a result of typing 'Gosh' into the Google Image Search bar. Enter usual disclaimer crap here __________________________________________. Or sing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' and pretend you know nothing about any never even saw them and you've never even heard of us! Who are we again?

IV: Jeff had begun to feel inferior twenty miles ago. Now he just wanted to drive his car off the bridge and end it all!

BEG: See guys? Sometimes it can be too big!

IV: The bar owner had gone to a dinner theater a couple weeks ago and thought the concept might work for just drinks. So far though, it'd only made the crowd grumble and chant for liquor.

BEG: Welcome to the first show performed by the Pussycat Dolls of Fargo North Dakota.

IV: Insert bad 3-Men joke here...

BEG: The people who inspired M. Night Shaymalan's "The Village" were a quiet folk, who apprently couldn't decide on an ethnicity or time frame for their costumes.

IV: "Yes, I think this giraffe is dead."

BEG: Note to these boys: The giraffe's heart is not in it's neck. Your insistence on calling the time of death on the giraffe was premature, considering his heart is near his left left on his chest.

IV: Wherever Jenny went, there were always three other girls ready to pop out from behind her and yell, "Surprise!"

BEG: I think it's not an incorrect assumption to think that these 4 girls are not 'Mathematicians' but may in fact be a modern version of the Four Headed Hydra.

IV: (Is that Harold?) Kahn knew that switching the news sheets would lead to chaos when Ling started speaking and Ling was already struggling with the news that giant spiders had attacked their city.

BEG: Oh My God! Kenny did you see this? Mothra is preparing to pick up the nuclear reactor and toss it around like a chew toy! What will we do?? Who will save us?? Call Gammaron!!

IV: When Kelly had suggested they climb the mountain, there hadn't really been any planning for how they would get back down.

BEG: The American who went up a mountain and came down with pissed pants.

IV: "Just give me a minute to take my face off."

BEG: After the whole Batman debacle the Joker turned to transvestitism as a cunning disguise.

IV: Shelly's girl-scout troupe had a surprise for everyone...a cheery re-enactment of the Titanic's sinking, complete with a musical number!

BEG: What life would be like if the living pictures at Hogwarts were real, only with much tinier frames.

IV: "You can't have a party without balloons! That's all I'm sayin'!"

BEG: "Craig after I cracked my back on that ball thing I totally had a flashback and saw Janis Joplin climb out of your shirt. I'm not even shitting you! Pilates is awesome!" Jim decided to always wear tie-dyed shirts for his pilates class if for nothing more than entertainment.

IV: "I'm all right!", Katie kept forgetting the gravity was different in the kitchen.

BEG: Katie, unlike Jim, did not think pilates was awesome. Perhaps she just needed a tie-dyed shirt.

IV: Matt didn't know how they could go on with their Saturday afternoon re-enactments of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' if Matt kept losing his pointy ears in the parking lot.

BEG: When the indie band "Gorilla's With Nun Habits and Monk Fetishes" lost their tour van for the 5th time at the Home Depot the lead singer Fisher decided that they should just walk to all their gigs to be even more indie than all those other pussy ass indie bands that need vans. Sadly all 4 members of Gorillas with Nun Habits and Monk Fetishes were abducted by aliens outside of Bismark North Dakota.

IV: Mary had only just started to notive that she and Pete were the only ones in the whole restuarant...even the waitstaff had disappeared. For a moment she wondered if there was a problem, but she gave up because the bread was just so good!

BEG: When the owners of The Italian Maple Leaf were designing their restaurant they decided to mesh classic Italian restaurant design with a log cabin feel. While it looked nice, no one would come in to eat pizza covered in maple syrup.

Our Renter feels neglected, go see them now! Please??? Pretty Please????

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Out - Pt. 2

Check out our new renter: Sam's Blog! Why? Because he's funny and wierd, and has a theory about Dalmations taking over the world!! Go now!!

All images recieved as a result of typing 'Out' into the Google Image Search bar. Standard Disclaimer: We are only making fun, and if people were smart enough to mark on their photos who took them and where they belong they have been credited. This is for mockery and fun, not profits. Although if you want to make us rich and famous because of this, please feel free...
IV: When Jenna had gone outside to eat her sunflower seeds on this bright sunny day, she had never imagined being mistaken for a smoker...

BEG: Remember when Joe Camel was a bad influence and made kids wanna smoke? I gotta say blow-up cigarettes with constipated faces and a single steroid enhanced arm isn't the way to dissuade future smokers of America. Accosting possible future smokers of America with such propeganda will only backfire.

IV: "Friggin' Randy from the copy-room! Can't he ever hang on to anything?"

BEG: For the 10th year in a row the McNally Office Supply Intermural Soccer Team had lost. Mostly this was because no one told them they couldn't pick up the ball and throw it.

IV: "Damn Cliff! You're wife is hot!"

BEG: Jameson's quest for extraterrestrial life had taken him to the Chippewa Creek Boy Scout Camp. Here he met no aliens, but did get to see a really fat guy.

IV: Everybody was kung fu fighting...except for Jeff...He was counting the number of people who had stinky feet.

BEG: Jeff was mastering a little known form of Ju-Jitsu called Jeff-Napsoon.

IV: Now we take the time to observe its natural habitat...

BEG: "So Grandma, people actually sat on this stuff? Where's the computer? Where's the Playstation? What did these people do for fun!?!?!"

IV: For many people, a spa-day meant rest and relaxation...for Joe, it meant rockin' out and the devil's work!

BEG: For Joe, there was nothing quite like the victoy of beating Syphillus for the 5th time, that is if we don't count rocking out.

IV: When good people go batty...

BEG: "I wanna be an airborne Ranger..."

IV: Al knew better than to argue with what Steve says really happened on the Squash court.

BEG: What happens on the Squash Court, stays on the Squash Court, including Jazz Hands and Spirit Fingers. {BTW: Is anyone just a little disturbed that there is an entire website dedicated to Squach pics?}

IV: Future olympic gymnastics hopeful starting from the very beginning...

BEG: Little Karly did eventually learn how to walk on her feet after years of walking on her hands, but how a child that size had such upper body strength at such a young age would always remain a mystery.

IV: "I told Gregg this parking lot had a mind of its own and that it didn't want his shitbox parked in it!"

BEG: How to park in Wausau: Over shoot parking space, park halfway on rock wall, go to Wal-Mart.

IV: Pedro's villiage was far too poor for skateboards, but someday, there would be a sponsor and a skateboard for everyone...and he would know all the moves!

BEG: While the common skateboard generally has the sense they were born with, rollerbladers do not. Here we observe Pedro attempting to slide down the side of a staircase. Sadly Pedro did not understand that this trick only really works with railings. Pedro did not realize this until the 15th step and falling for the 15th time.

IV: "Funnel cakes are made of people!"

BEG: Do not throw the funnel cake into a clearly marked Wooden Shoe Recepticle. That box is made for clogs not cakes!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

...And We're Comin' Back Out - Pt.1

All images received as a result of typing 'Out' into the Google Image Search bar.

Go visit our renter now, NOW! He paid good credits to be here with you today! Plus there is ass on his site!

IV: Life had been sort of a whirlwind adventure since three young girls met a trick-playing witch in the deep, dark forest...

BEG: Phil the giant soft drink had always wanted to be apart of the In-n-Out family, he now saw his way in!

IV: Life still goes on...even when the hairband your stalking tosses you and your friends out of the limo...

BEG: One sparkly sequin dress: $650. One frizziriffic perm at the Cost Cutters: $45. One pants suit with only one arm: $150. Reliving those hairband fantasies = Priceless.

IV: Although, Karen had been told time and time again that her legal blindness since birth would prevent her from ever finishing the marathon, she had finally made it to the finish line...only two years and a half years late and forty pounds lighter.

BEG: Mark had been practicing for this race his whole life. He was excited to get going, that was before the star-gun shot him in the face.

IV: "Yeah, that's what I used to look like."

BEG: "No man, I am a freedom fighter just like my man Che` here on my arm.Only the freedom I fight for is the right to wear 2 carat diamonds in my ears!"

IV: Scott had nearly made it to his bed...if only he had had just one more cup of coffee...

BEG: Scott's debilitating narcolepsy was one thing, being mocked by the cat was entirely another.


BEG: Mark's narcolepsy was one thing, being asleep so long he grew that facial hair is entirely another.

IV: "The fire is out, but we lost the toast."

BEG: "I'm afraid we lost another one to Di-tech, and so we torched the place."

IV: Self excorcism gone terrbily wrong!

BEG: Scotty feared the ancient waters of the well, especially after seeing The Ring, but he promised he would make it through!

IV: The day-campers rejoiced in the fact that today was the day they would be taking back Lake Runamok from the alligators...little did they know, the alligators had their own moment of celebration to see to...

BEG: In the late 90's they attempted to re-make Pirahna the movie with younger children. The parent's association didn't approve of youngsters with water noodles getting eaten alive. This is the only remaining cell from the film.

IV: Sean knew that surfing in the midwest was nearly impossible, but his dad had always told him to never fear trying new things.

BEG: The Lake Michigan Surfing Club hadn't had many members, but the one they did have had enough heart for the whole lake!

IV: When the crew told the producers of their brilliant plan to make a documentary about roads, they sort of left out the fact that that was all they would be filming.

BEG: Your tax dollars hard at work...

IV: Being the summer camp director's daughter in a post divorce settlement environment was hard enough, but Jill knew that she could never tell the other campers about her mother's plan to make belts from all their snake friends in the fall just to spite her father.

BEG: In the early 00's they attempted to remake Anaconda, only to set it in a day camp this time and have the movie be a journey of parent seeking child. The parent's association didn't like this anymore than Pirahna, and it was eventually scrapped. This is the only footage remaining, in it we see young Sarah man-handling the anaconda's young!

Friday, March 17, 2006

We're Goin' In...

This post has been sitting in our drafts folder for a while, all because we were waiting for an appropriate renter. Someone who is as interesting or demented as us, and we found him! We now present as our renter: Rocky Jay: A Series of Unfortunate Events. Recently he learned just how pussy whipped he is, and bought her Jimmy Choo shoes, which any girl can get behind. Speaking of behinds, he also has an ass gallery. I know, kinda wierd, but somehow he has evaded the dreaded 'Profanity' label (which there is no fucking way we will ever get rid of) on his blog at Blogexplosion. This is wonderous. Go check out this enigma of blog.

All images received as a result of typing 'In' into the Google Image Search bar. You know the routine, this is for fun not money. Blah Blah Blah

IV: Although it was a great honor to be the one boy chosen from his team to teach President Bush to hold the cricket bat properly, Juan-Pedro had no hope for the man learning anything.

BEG: After failing with a baseball team, George decided to give a whack at cricket. Not wanting their club to be destroyed the Banglapoor Bandits explained to him there was in fact no oil under the playing field.

IV: Apparently you can teach an old reaper new tricks...

BEG: At Smith, Wessler and Charlemange the saying 'Getting the Axe' had been replaced by 'Getting the Scythe.' No one wanted to get a pink slip from them.

IV: Mike wanted to touch the microscope, but the girls had given him such a good argument against way of their own stunning rendition of 'Anything You Can Do, I can Do Better'! Not even his mad break-dancing skillz could top that.

BEG: Mike was pretending to be interested in the microscope, but what Mike discovered was that if you looked just right, the mirror under the slide reflected Marcy's bikini covered boobs. This was going to be the best Science Geek Camp yet!

IV: "This fish really stinks. Can I put it down yet?"

BEG: "Yo dawg, you down wit da fishes? You wanna get down wit da fishes? I can show you how to get down wit da fishes. Cos all the ladies love da fishes."IV: With every clean, new snowfall, Mandy made her transformation from mild-mannered seventh grader to full-on yeti.

BEG: This is what happens when Fame is filmed in Cedar Rapids Iowa, in February. (BEG Note: This is quite possibly the best photo we've ever worked with. Seriously, hilarious)

IV: "No one will ever notice if we only take one!"

BEG: The play "The Bicycle Thief" never went over well in Venice. The production companies never understood why until this day.

(IV NOTE TO BEG: Actually dear, I think that's Copenhagen. See how few things I remember when searching for such wonferful pictures to mock?)

IV: This was the last picture Chet needed to complete his scrapbook of photos of him in random places pointing at things only he could see.

BEG: "No, not that piece of coral, the other piece. Dammit Dick, do I have to come over there and place the measuring tape myself?"

IV: Carl had learned his lesson. He told himself that next time he got the urge to point out something historically inaccurate, he should just keep it to him self and move along.

BEG: Carl's membership with the Rotary Club was at stake, so he did time in the stocks to insure that he'd keep his rightful place as treasurer. The Rotary Club was not to be trifled with.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Daves We Don't Know...

Hi all! We've concocted a new, special treat for ya'll. It's a new twist on our fun with Google. We love Google!

We've done a Google Image Search with just the name 'Dave' typed into the search bar, inspired by the old Kids In The Hall sketch/song, 'These Are The Daves I Know' which was hilarious enough. However, we've searched for the Daves we don't know at all...and therein lies the fun...
Of course we got pics of your famous Daves...Dave Grohl, Dave Chappelle, Dave Attell, Dave Navarro (hottie)...there was even a picture of Ted Kennedy and one of Jessica Simpson labeled DAVE, but we're familiar with them and their work. They are famous after all.

We were looking for your Everyday Daves though, Average-Joe Daves, if you will. Along the way we found that your AJ Daves like to catch fish and rock out. They also seem to enjoy sports and building things. Many of them even like to load large things into the back of their trucks and show-off. We've brought you the best and strangest of these Daves...All results were obtained the usual way, by typing random thing (DAVE) into the Google Image Search bar. And of course all the same old disclaimer crap applies (not profiting, just mocking so back off!).

IV: Dave was hoping since tricks on bikes and tricks on snowboards had gone a long way towards the fame and fortune of many, bowling tricks would get him to the top...even if he had to throw out his back every time he hit the lanes!

BEG: "Hey guys! look at that pole!" Dave was terrified to admit, he didn't know how to bowl properly. So whenever it was his turn, he did his best to distract them while he granny-bowled.

IV: Dave was a burly guy, but the snake around his neck made him feel more like a man!

BEG: "As for me and my snake, we will serve the Lord, that is if the Lord is a fellow WWE wrestler."

IV: Dave really thought he lived in medieval times, and he looked so good in the nose armor that no had the heart (on a rustic wooden stick) to tell him otherwise.

BEG: Sir Dave of Hoboken loved these weekends. It was just him, his sword, and his nose shield. Ahh... good times, good Medieval Times.

IV: One of Dave's drunken friends (a former clown stripper) was stumbling around the party trying to cheer up all the sad, empty beer bottles. Dave couldn't bring him self to tell his friend that the beer bottles just didn't know they were sad.

BEG: Dave wanted to remind us all why balloon animals became obsolete when we all turned 10.

IV: None of Dave's pals showed up for their Saturday game in the park. Trying to make a go of it anyway. He stuggled to play the game entirely, both sides, by himself. Since none of his friends were there, that also meant no one was there to tell Dave the other players were all really necessary.

BEG: Strike-Out Dave had been dropped from the minor leagues only 3 days after getting to camp. But not even that could derail his dream...

IV: Every time someone in Dave's office said the word COFFEE, Dave would hide under the desk, singing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' at the top of his lungs. The day this picture was taken it had already happened six times.

BEG: Dave was also known as master of the surge bar.

IV: Saying farewell to his floormates was hard. It was bittersweet, hard, with Dave thinking this could be the last time he'd see any of them. But even if this was to be the end of their time together, he knew they would all be able to look back and remember. Oh, yes! They would always have the Shady Brook Istitute!

BEG: Dave had been driven crazy at the T-Shirt imprinters trade show. Luckily someone had a solution.

IV: Dave's 'Paper-Thin' team was growing envious of his ability to slide in anywhere. They knew he would be the first to acheive true, paper thin-ness. [BTW: I know this is lame, but it was all I could come up with for this picture. My mind is busy. Questions on top of questions with some stray thoughts about dip in the mix. I just don't understand people who take pictures of things like this. Why do they think they need them?]

BEG: "Dave? Dave! Take the picture, the walls are moving, I swear to god the walls are moving!!" (BEG Note: BTW: this was screaming for some bad Star Wars crushed in trash bin joke but I just couldn't bring myself to do it)

Don't Forget to check out our new Renter: Haunted House Dressing. He might be a Dave! You never can tell!!!!