Apocalypse Deux

The Plural of Apocalypse </br> Part Deux: November 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005

Our New Puppy

There is nothing prettier these days than a young boy on a leash, or at least that's what I've realized since 'The Little One', also known as 'The Puppy' came into our lives during our Halloween shenanigans and I immediately wanted to put him on a leash. I have had these notions before, but generally I leave the bondage and total domination to my friends.

I shared these notions with BEGnearly instantaneously. She was also of the mind that he needed to be leashed and was quite trainable. Of course, she did spend a considerable amount of time with him, letting him smack her with a wooden ruler (Metal edge removed of course...we were in public and there was no real need for bloodshed) and letting him oggle her tiny ballerina feet from the comfort of my couch in the wee hours of morning...but that's a whole different story.

'The Puppy' is an adorable, unemployed, twenty-three year old boy with very nice lips who boards in the house across the street from mine. He is totally backwards hat, hippie boy with no direction in life and no real life to speak of.

Right this second, he's a mess, not to mention a nightmare for the couple who owns the house he resides in. He is as mentioned, unemployed having gotten fired from his job like three weeks ago or so and is on the verge of getting thrown out by the people he lives with (I think he has like a week left). He also has a bastard child, a son, he never sees. Although, the kid doesn't really concern us.

He's like a baby, a new toy, still young enough to train properly, put back on the right path and turn into a real boy(Still too young now to be called a man). Now I am not the blue fairy and neither is BEG, but we have some pretty big plans. This boy screams PROJECT like he's standing above the grand canyon and it's now echoing in the emptiness!

And he likes us. Sadly, he says, I am the girl of his dreams. Wonder if he'll still like us when the spankings start and he has to live in a cage like my other dogs...

A puppy cannot be given free roam of the house until he can be trusted of course!